
The Gift of Cosmetic Dentistry

Along with the holidays come lots of happy faces, however, if yours isn’t happy because you cover your mouth when you smile schedule an appointment for cosmetic dentistry.

Dr. George Sanchez is a cosmetic dentist in Delray Beach that believes in an all-white smile. In other words this dental practice in Florida is mercury free.

Mercury Free Dentist

Dr. George practices mercury free restorative and cosmetic dentistry in Delray Beach. What that means for you is a safer dental experience. It also means a smile that is free from metal.

Silver amalgam fillings have long been touted as safe by the FDA and the American Dental Association. However, not all believe that to be the case.

Firstly, they never mention what happens when a filling cracks and starts leaking mercury. Secondly, they don’t talk about what can happen if it DOES get into the rest of your system.

If you follow this dental blog you will remember that mercury is toxic. Just one of the reasons you don’t see those old mercury thermometers anymore.

Cosmetic Dentistry in Delray Beach

When you meet with Dr. George you will discuss your likes and dislikes. In addition your overall and oral health is discussed. This helps determine what types of cosmetic dentistry procedures would be best.

As previously mentioned there are dozens of reasons to love this dental practice in Delray Beach, but one of the best ones is how professional this dentist and his team are.

After taking into account everything learned during your chat, your Delray Beach dentist will thoroughly examine your teeth, gums and your chewing system.

Cosmetic Dentistry and Chewing

As you can imagine dental restorations do not fare well with clenching and grinding. They don’t fare well with an out of aligned temporomandibular joint either.

Your Delray Beach cosmetic dentist has all you need to get your mouth back into shape, even if you haven’t been able to hold on to a restoration for very long.

According to Dr. Sanchez natural teeth can grind down to the roots. Dental restorations are not as strong so won’t survive very well either.

A Beautiful Smile is Waiting

When it comes to your smile you want a dentist who can help you and your teeth and gums with a safe cosmetic dentistry experience. Because Dr. Sanchez is a mercury free dentist you will get all of that and more.

So what are you waiting for? Call or send a direct message and schedule a no obligation consultation with Dr. George Dental today.




A Cosmetic Dentist Will Do Wonders

If your teeth aren’t doing you any favors it’s time to call a cosmetic dentist in Delray Beach. Dr. George Dental has the tools you need to get your smile back on track. 

A cosmetic dentist will evaluate your smile to determine what types of restorative or cosmetic dentistry treatments would be best for you and your teeth and gums.

Cosmetic Dentistry Always an Option

Cosmetic dentistry is one of the best ways to boost your confidence. However, cosmetic dentistry also keeps teeth and gums healthy. Actually, any type of cosmetic or restorative dentistry is good for both oral and overall health.

If you follow the Dr. George Dental Blog you will recall that crooked, chipped and missing teeth cause problems for other teeth.

Those problems include crowding. If your teeth are crowded it makes it nearly impossible to brush. If you can’t brush and floss properly you will have a breeding ground for tooth decay and gum disease.

Overall and Oral Health

In addition to crowding, your body could suffer consequences as well. Studies show a link between gum disease and overall health. As previously mentioned plaque and tartar is an issue when it comes to a failing smile.

According to Dr. George Sanchez gum disease is prevalent in people with heart and lung diseases.

Because plaque and tartar flow through the bloodstream, thanks to pockets between teeth and gums, it attaches itself to the walls of your veins eventually making its way to the heart.

When this occurs it is a recipe for disaster. That disaster could be a heart attack or stroke.

The best way to avoid health problems is to visit your Delray Beach dentist at least once a year. If you have periodontal issues Dr. George will most likely recommend at least two or even three or four visits for professional cleanings.

Oral Health and a Cosmetic Dentist

As you can see being mouth healthy is vital when it comes to all things dental. Once you are healthy you and your cosmetic dentist will be able to come up with a detailed dental plan that will help you get to where you need to be when it comes to oral and overall health.

A cosmetic dentist does wonders for oral and overall health, but that’s not all. In addition giving yourself the gift of health you are also doing wonders for your emotional and mental health. Being able to smile boosts your confidence which is an excellent way to raise your spirits.

Learn More from a Cosmetic Dentist

If you would like to learn more from a cosmetic dentist, send a direct message and schedule an appointment with Dr. George Dental in Delray Beach today.


Mercury Free Better for Your Body

Dr. George Sanchez believes in safe dentistry. That’s why his Delray Beach dentist’s office is a mercury free dental practice.

Being mercury free is imperative when it comes to oral and overall health because you won’t have to worry about toxins seeping into your body.

Being Mercury Free is better

While some dentists don’t see a problem with silver amalgam fillings, this doctor in Delray Beach does. Because amalgam fillings contain mercury, a toxic element, there is a risk.

That risk includes broken fillings. Once a silver amalgam filling cracks or breaks it can easily leak into your system. Those leaks will undoubtedly cause mercury to invade your body.

Being mercury free means no risk of toxins leaking into your body. Silver amalgam fillings contain silver and other metals, but they also contain mercury.

Why Mercury Fillings are Bad

Back in the day silver amalgam fillings were the only choice that dentists had when it came to dental fillings. Fast forward to today and medical professionals are beginning to realize the long term effects of mercury on the body.

Although mercury is a naturally produced substance it doesn’t do you any good. In fact, you could be releasing the mercury vapor into your body every time you chew.

Studies show that the vapors are toxic and absorbed into your body. Conditions sited include chronic muscle and body aches, stress and anxiety.

With that being said, that isn’t the only thing wrong with mercury fillings. While mercury is a natural substance it isn’t safe. Most consumer products have done away with it as an ingredient, but not silver amalgam dental fillings.

Tooth Colored Fillings

Your Delray Beach dentist only uses biocompatible substances to fill teeth. Tooth colored fillings, matched to the rest of your smile strengthen the tooth and require less removal of the natural tooth. This means stronger restorations.

In addition, silver mercury fillings won’t expand. You won’t have to worry about mercury seepage as natural colored fillings will not expand and contract either.

Furthermore silver fillings are not attractive. Resin, porcelain and other types of materials look just like a natural tooth. Best of all tooth colored fillings are mercury free.

Mercury Free Dentistry in Delray Beach

If you have silver fillings or tooth decay that needs to be taken care of, go the mercury free dentistry way with Dr. George Dental. Your oral and overall health will thank you for it.

Send a direct message and schedule an appointment with a mercury free dentist in Delray Beach today.



Ignoring the Overall and Oral Health Connection?

Cosmetic dentistry does wonders for everyone who decides to go through with this life changing solution for chipped and crooked teeth. With that being said, it also does wonders for oral health.

In fact, cosmetic dentistry does wonders for people who have stained and broken teeth and those with missing teeth as well.

Everyone’s Oral Health Benefits

Everyone can benefit from cosmetic dentistry, but did you know that it can also do wonders for your overall health as well?

If you follow the Dr. George Dental Blog you will remember that the connection between overall and oral health is difficult if not impossible to ignore.

Too many people who suffer from heart attack and stroke tend to have a higher percentage of periodontitis.

The connection is bacteria, plaque and tartar entering your bloodstream. Unfortunately if plaque is not removed tartar will form.

Also called calculus, tartar is the hard stuff that only Dr. George or a dental hygienist in Delray Beach can remove.

By scheduling regular dental appointments for oral health with Dr. George you can avoid plaque from becoming tartar.

Regular dental checkups along with twice yearly professional dental cleanings keeps teeth free from plaque and tartar which is good for your teeth and good for your gums.

A Broken Smile Not Good for Other Teeth

Chipped, cracked, missing and broken teeth are difficult to take care of as it isn’t always easy to brush and floss.

Straight smiles that are free from chips and cracks have less tooth decay and gum disease.

In addition to chipped and cracked teeth, missing teeth bring an entirely different set of issues to the table.

If you are missing teeth you probably find it difficult to talk properly much less eat the foods you need to stay on top of overall and oral health.

Missing teeth also cause problems for other teeth as they will do their best to make up for the space left by the lost tooth.

Dr. George explains that restorative dentistry and cosmetic dentistry will keep your teeth healthier. Regular dental checkups, a good diet and professional cleanings along with brushing and flossing are the key to good oral health.

Keep Your Oral Health in Check

It’s easy to keep your oral health in check. Just send a direct message and schedule an appointment with Dr. George Dental. You will love your new smile and so will the rest of you.

Send a direct message and make an appointment with Dr. George Dental in Delray Beach today.


Tooth Grinding and Silver Amalgam Fillings

Did you know that tooth grinding, even occasionally while under stress, can cause serious problems for your teeth and your old silver amalgam fillings?

What’s worse is that tooth grinding also causes issues for your dental restorations, especially if those restorations are silver amalgam.

Silver Amalgam Fillings and Mercury

If you follow this dental blog you will know that Dr. George Dental is a dental practice in Delray Beach that only offers mercury free dentistry.

What that means for you and your family is healthier teeth and gums and a heathier body.

Dr. George Sanchez is a mercury free dentist who will not take chances with the health and wellbeing of you and your family teeth and gums.

While some argue that silver amalgam fillings are completely fine and safe for teeth others do not agree. Dr. George Dental in Delray Beach is one of those dental practices that doesn’t. Moreover, Dr. Sanchez is totally mercury free.

Silver Amalgam Fillings can be Toxic

Mercury is not used much at all these days, except when it comes to dental fillings. Those old thermometers were pulled from the market long ago because of the poisonous mercury that told you how hot or cold it was.

Christmas bulbs that bubbled mercury and other mercury filled items are long gone as well, but again, not silver amalgam fillings.

The FDA and ADA both agree that silver amalgam fillings are not toxic and fine for teeth, but those who know the truth have a different opinion on the matter.

Dr. George explains that when a filling contracts and expands, which mercury fillings do, the material will not be sealed to the tooth.

In addition, if a filling cracks or chips or becomes loose at the seal, leaks occur as well. Moreover silver fillings won’t protect the tooth from further decay.

White Fillings are Better for Teeth

The best way to avoid any potential contact is to get rid of your silver amalgam fillings. Have them removed and replace them with biodegradable restorations matched to the rest of the tooth. Dr. George and his team have the equipment and experience to safely remove your dental restorations.

After removing the dental restorations your teeth are filled with a beautiful and safe alternative that is matched to the rest of your smile.

Of course if Dr. George discovers that you are grinding your teeth more than you should an oral appliance may be recommended to help protect your new dental fillings and any other restorations.

Silver Amalgam Fillings Be Gone

If you still have your old restorations or grind your teeth schedule an appointment with Dr. George Dental. Your teeth will be thanking you for it for the rest of your life.

Send a direct message and schedule an appointment today.


Clear Plastic Aligners Be Choosy

If you have been toying with the idea of clear plastic aligners for teeth straightening talk to Dr. George Dental. Having a dentist by your side during treatment time is essential if you want your results to be positive.

If you follow this dental blog in Delray Beach you will recall the dangers of mail order or online braces hopefully steering clear of the temptation opting for Invisalign® instead.

Online Plastic Aligners Not a Good Idea

If you haven’t been following this blog and want a quick summary, removable mail order or online braces are not monitored by a dentist.

This could cause serious complications for your teeth and jawbone growth. In addition not all people are suitable for removable aligners.

With mail order aligners everyone is a candidate making them incredibly unsafe for all concerned. Moreover, there is no dentist to visit every six weeks to check on your progress.

Prescription Clear Plastic Aligners

Dr. George Sanchez is licensed to provide patients with prescription clear plastic aligners to straighten teeth. Invisalign® has been around for decades and is the the Gold Standard when it comes to removable clear braces.

Straight Teeth More Than Esthetic

While you may think the only advantage of straight teeth is looks there are other reasons to use clear plastic aligners from Invisalign for crooked teeth.

Your Delray Beach cosmetic dentist explains that straight teeth are easier to maintain, brush and floss.

Crooked teeth are difficult to brush and floss. This means decay and bacteria have no problem getting into your teeth and gums.

Straight teeth mean healthy teeth and gums because you can keep them cleaner. You will also find it easier to eat and enjoy the foods that you love.

When teeth are too close together, overlap or are too far apart bacteria will thrive loving every minute of your not so perfect smile. When teeth are too close you are also at risk for inflammation and gum disease.


While Invisalign® is the perfect solution for most it is up to Dr. George to decide. As previously mentioned not all people are good fits for clear plastic aligners.

People with severe cross or over bites or large gaps between teeth may do better with conventional wires and brackets.

In addition those who are less diligent may not be suitable as Invisalign® needs to be worn 22 hours every day. The only time the clear plastic aligners are removed is when you eat, drink, brush and floss.

If you would like to learn more about Invisalign® call or send a direct message and talk to Dr. George Dental in Delray Beach today.




Sedation Dentistry if You Just Can’t

If you or someone you know is deathly afraid of the dentist it is time to schedule an appointment with a dentist in Delray Beach for sedation dentistry.

For decades Dr. George Dental has helped people like you overcome dental anxiety with simple solutions that work for everyone.

Sedation Dentistry for Dental Anxiety

For some the thought of having someone so close to their face is a deal breaker. Those same people have foregone necessary dental checkups just because of dental fear.

These patients and others who just can’t stand anyone in their space love sedation dentistry. Sedation dentistry is a life saver and teeth and gum saver as well.

Avoiding the dentist causes all sorts of issues for teeth and gums. For instance, if you have a toothache and let it go because of dental fear it will get worse. Obviously decay and disease won’t magically heal themselves. This is where sedation dentistry comes in.

Regardless of your level of dental anxiety, Dr. George Sanchez and his team have a solution. From laughing gas to IV dental sedation for dental surgeries and multiple procedures during the same appointment you can’t go wrong when you become a patient of Dr. George Dental in Delray Beach.

No Judgement with Dental Sedation

One of the biggest fears people have when they see the dentist is judgement. You will never experience this type of treatment from any team member when it comes to you Delray Beach dentist.

Even if you haven’t been to the dentist in decades you will feel the compassion and dedication when you become a patient of this family dentist in Delray Beach.

Dr. George Dental just wants to get your teeth and gums healthy and could care less what they look like during your first visit and initial dental consultation.

Decay and Disease

When it comes to tooth decay and gum disease it is imperative that it is taken care of as quickly as possible. Early dental treatment prevents large fillings, dental crowns and intensive periodontal therapy.

Scheduling regular dental appointments means you are less likely to need fillings and gum disease treatment because you are practicing proactive and preventive dentistry.

Delray Beach Sedation Dentistry

Don’t wait until you can’t stand the pain. Call and schedule a sedation dentistry appointment with Dr. George Dental in Delray Beach today. Your teeth and gums will thank you for it.

Call or send a direct message and schedule an appointment today.





Dr. George Dental for Everyone in the Family

Dr. George Dental is the only full service dental practice in Delray Beach Florida that you will need.

From pediatric to dental health care for seniors you and your family will appreciate the the good old fashioned customer service from Dr. George Dental.

It’s a safe environment and a welcome change from conventional dental offices in Delray Beach.

Dental Care in Delray Beach

If you follow this dental blog and yes, please do, you will have learned the importance of regular dental checkups for every member of your family. Don’t forget that regular dental checkups also include comprehensive dental checkups.

Comprehensive Dental Checkups with Dr. George Dental

Comprehensive dental checkups with oral cancer screenings are important for a variety of reasons. Firstly, they take things one step further using dental technology to identify anything that may look suspicious. Secondly, oral cancer screenings save lives.

Dr. George Dental searches for lumps, bumps, lesions and patches that wouldn’t normally be in your mouth. If he or a team member should find something that looks out of place a biopsy is taken so that Dr. George can send it to the lab for diagnosis.

It’s important to remember that people with early diagnosis have a much better chance of surviving any type of cancer, including oral cancers.

A Thorough Examination with Dr. George Dental

When your Delray Beach dentist examines your teeth and gums your restorations are also thoroughly checked. Restoration checks are vital if you want stay healthy.

If you follow this blog you will recall that Dr. George Dental is a mercury free zone. That means he does not use silver amalgam fillings.

Dr. George understands the dangers of broken down fillings and makes sure that yours are healthy. If they aren’t, he will talk to you about having your fillings removed.

Once your fillings are removed the cavities are filled with biocompatible tooth colored materials that aren’t toxic.

Dental Restorations and Cosmetic Dentistry

If you or a member of your family is considering cosmetic dentistry look no further than Dr. George Dental in Delray Beach. From implants to veneers and professional teeth whitening your sad smile will thank you for it.

Because your Delray  Beach dentist continues his education every chance he gets you and your family are in the best hands when it comes to all things dental, including cosmetic dentistry.

If you would like to join the dental practice in Delray Beach, schedule an appointment. Your family will thank you for it.

Call your family dentist in Delray Beach for dental appointments today.



Holiday Foods to Watch Out For

It’s that time of the year again. Lots of parties and lots of holiday foods that you shouldn’t be eating. But, hey, it’s the holidays so why not enjoy right?

While the holidays are meant to enjoy the good things in life, those good things aren’t always the best for your teeth. In fact, some can be downright dangerous.

Not So Great Holiday Foods for Teeth

Dr. George Dental understands the temptations are hard to resist, but when you do, you’ll be rewarded with fewer dental visits in the New Year.

Holiday Foods and Chewy Yummies

Gummy bears and other chewy candy will have a tendency to rip the restorations straight out of the tooth. In addition, they are loaded with sugar much like most holiday foods.

If not damaging your fillings or crowns, they are remaining between teeth eating away at the enamel.

Dr. George Sanchez recommends that you avoid gummies, salt water taffy and other soft chewy candies that don’t look safe. This includes those oh so trendy sour chewy rainbow strips in your favorite flavors.

Dried Fruit and Holiday Foods

That dried fruit that your favorite client sends you every year isn’t the best option for your teeth. Dried mangos, apricots, figs and dates are delicious, but best these holiday foods are best enjoyed in moderation.

Dried fruit will stick to the backs of your teeth eroding away the enamel. Unless you are able to rinse with water right away your teeth will pay the price.

Your dentist in Delray Beach recommends eating your favorite dried fruit as part of a meal to avoid tooth and restoration damage.

Spritz Acidic Holiday Drinks

Your favorite spritzy mixer is not the best option for teeth. Red Bull, Champagne and cranberry juice may be your favorite beverage during the holidays, but it isn’t the safest option for teeth.

Soda, energy drinks and sports drinks are loaded with sugar as is the cranberry juice. Unless you are making your own juice from the berry there will always be additional sugar.

The acid in the drinks eats away at the enamel on your teeth as well making soda, energy and sports drinks double trouble for teeth and gums.

Great Treats for Teeth

Instead of chewy candy and dried fruit try munching on carrot sticks and celery. Enjoy sweet and savory dips and you’ll barely miss bad holiday foods for teeth.

Drink water or diluted fruit juices instead of soda, energy and sports drinks for healthy teeth.

If you drink water resist the urge to overdo it with the citrus slices as citrus damages teeth.

If you would like to learn more about the holidays and healthy teeth, schedule an appointment with Dr. George Dental today.




Do Your Teeth Make it Hard to Smile?

Your smile says everything about you. From mood to overall confidence it’s easy to tell if someone isn’t happy with his or her smile.

Even if the issue isn’t obvious to the rest of the world, it can still cause problems for self-esteem. If you don’t smile you won’t look happy.

Happy people look content from the inside out. Furthermore, studies show that even fake smiles boost endorphin levels. However, if your teeth and gums make it impossible to put on a fake smile, it’s time to see your dentist in Delray Beach.

A Smile Helps Your Mood

According to Dr. George Sanchez having a smile that isn’t so perfect will eventually put you in a sour mood not to mention how it feels physically and emotionally.

From the minute you get up in the morning to the moment you lay down at night missing, cracked and chipped teeth will play on your mind, especially if they are causing pain and discomfort.

A Caring Dentist for Your Smile

Dr. George and his team are caring professionals who practice preventive dentistry. Preventive dentistry means regular dental checkups and excellent oral hygiene.

Oral hygiene is brushing AND flossing. If you are lax about either one your teeth and gums will suffer for it.

Your Dental Appointment

During your dental appointment talk to your dentist in Delray Beach about preventive dentistry and your oral hygiene routine.

It’s always a good idea to revisit your flossing and brushing skills with Dr. George as you may not be as good at it as you used to be.

As well as natural and prescription medications talk your dentist in Delray Beach about your eating habits.

Share meal and snack selections and don’t forget to include what you drink. If your teeth are stained it could have something to do with your passion for coffee and red wine.

Recommendations from your Cosmetic Dentist

Once your Delray Beach dentist has completed his examination the two of you will go over your options for restorative dentistry, cosmetic dentistry or both.

Depending on how much of a change your smile needs to go through to be healthy those options could be anything from a complete mouth makeover to dental implants. It really comes down what your smile looks like now.

If you want to love your smile again call or send a direct message and talk to Dr. George Dental in Delray Beach today.