
Porcelain Veneers and a Healthy Chewing System

If you have been wearing porcelain veneers for years but find that you are replacing your restorations more than you should schedule an appointment.

A visit with a cosmetic dentist in Delray Beach will be able to confirm if your bad bite and TMJD is the reason you can’t seem to keep porcelain veneers for more than a couple of years.

According to Dr. George Sanchez temporomandibular joint disorder is a major culprit when it comes to tooth wear. It is also a major concern where dental restorations are concerned.

Dental restorations should last more than 24 months. However, if you are clenching and grinding your natural teeth and your restorations will bear the brunt of your bruxism.

Bruxism Dentist in Delray Beach

Bruxism is the clinical term for tooth grinding. Chronic tooth grinders or bruxers, often wear teeth and restorations down to the point of no return. If this is you, or you know someone who has bruxism set up an appointment with Dr. George Dental.

This Delray Beach dentist will examine your entire chewing system so that you can enjoy dental restorations, including porcelain veneers for five to seven years. Even more if your chewing system is healthy and you are free from decay and disease.

Your Chewing System and Porcelain Veneers

What some people don’t realize is that your chewing system is comprised of nerves, muscles, tendons and tissues.

All of these must be working together so that you can enjoy your natural teeth for the rest of your life.

For instance, if you have a problem with your temporomandibular joint or deal with a cross bite you’ll have problems. Teeth are meant to be balanced. Even one chipped tooth can cause issues for the rest of your smile.

When your Delray Beach cosmetic dentist examines your smile he will also be looking at your chewing system including your TMJ and bite. Unfortunately not all dentists are trained to look for jaw joint or bite issues, but Dr. George Sanchez is.

Cosmetic Dentistry Your Bite and Your Joints

You and your family are in the best hands when it comes to any type of restorative or cosmetic dentistry including porcelain veneers.

You won’t believe how great your smile will look when you add a dash of cosmetic dentistry to the mix with porcelain veneers. With that being said your joints and bite must be in good health before Dr. George will proceed.

If you would like to learn more send a direct message. Dr. George and his team are ready to make you smile. Call for more information now.




Missing Teeth are Problematic for Your Smile

Your Delray Beach dentist cannot stress the importance of having all of your teeth. Missing teeth are problematic at best and will cause issues for your smile.

Crowding and gum disease are just a couple of the problems that come with a lost smile.

The Issues You Have with Missing Teeth

As previously mentioned missing teeth cause your other teeth to crowd each other. They do this because they are trying to fill the space.

Because teeth move towards the vacant space it will throw your bite off. According to your Delray Beach implant dentist any slight movement affects your bite.

As teeth move closer together it makes flossing nearly impossible as well. Missing teeth make it hard to brush and floss meaning you are more susceptible to tooth decay and gingivitis.

Problems Chewing and Talking

Even one missing tooth can make it hard to enjoy a meal. In addition hard foods can get into the space scratching your gums.

Moreover, avoiding certain types of foods because you just can’t eat them could also lead to dietary problems including malnutrition or obesity.

A lost tooth will affect the way you talk. If you are missing a tooth or teeth you will need to adjust your speech to avoid slurring and lisping.

Bone Loss with Missing Teeth

If you follow the Dr. George Dental Blog you will remember that tooth roots exercise the bone. Bone stimulation is what keeps the tooth healthy.

Moreover, it’s what keeps you looking young. When you lose a tooth your face will sag making you appear older than you really are.

Confidence and Self Esteem

Self-esteem and confidence go hand in hand. If your smile isn’t worth sharing because of missing teeth it will affect how you feel about yourself.

Dental implants are your best defense and will help boost your self-confidence. Implants can also help you when it comes to your next job interview as well.

Dental Implants for Missing Teeth

Dental implants are what Dr. George Sanchez recommends. Because dental implants are a permanent replacement they will last forever. They will last forever as long as you practice good oral hygiene.

People with dental implants still need to schedule twice yearly, or more, dental visits as gum disease can still happen to patients with this type of tooth replacement.

Think of it this way, you probably lost your smile to gum disease. You don’t want your implants to fail for the same reason.

If you have missing teeth talk to Dr. George about dental implants. This type of tooth replacement really will change your life.

Send a direct message and schedule an appointment today.