
A Smile Makeover Turns a Frown Upside Down

A smile makeover takes restoration dentistry one-step further using cosmetic dentistry procedures that enhance your smile.

What is a Smile Makeover?

smile_makeover_dentist_Delray_BeachRestoration dentistry means repairing teeth so that they are healthy and functional. Cosmetic dentistry means cosmetic dental crowns, dental implants, cosmetic dental bonding, porcelain veneers, professional tooth whitening, inlays, onlays, and clear braces. In other words, a general dentist will restore your smile while a cosmetic dentist will enhance it with advanced cosmetic dentistry procedures.

A Smile Makeover and Cosmetic Dentistry

In most cases, your smile makeover will be both restorative and cosmetic because some procedures cross over. For example, dental implants are both restorative, as they help rebuild bone, and cosmetic as they provide you with a natural looking artificial tooth.

Dr. George Sanchez practices mercury free dentistry providing you with tooth colored fillings and crowns. Because of his tooth colored solutions, his restorations are also cosmetic.

Types of Cosmetic Dentistry in Delray Beach

Your Delray Beach cosmetic dentist provides cosmetic dental services that include:

Professional Tooth Whitening for a Smile Makeover

Done in office or with custom made whitening trays, professional tooth whitening is the most popular cosmetic procedure in the world and is usually performed before other procedures for an accurate color match.

Cosmetic Dental Crowns

Cosmetic dental crowns cover the whole tooth like a cap. Fitting over the whole tooth, cosmetic crowns match the rest of your smile and can be completed in a single dental visit. Cosmetic crowns go hand in hand with a smile makeover.

A Smile Makeover and Inlays/Onlays

These are custom-made tooth colored restorations that are laid in or on the tooth depending on the damage. The inlays and onlays are made to match the damaged tooth perfectly.

Clear Braces

Your cosmetic dentist in Delray Beach uses the clear plastic aligner system for a smile makeover to gradually move teeth into place. Unlike conventional braces, Invisalign® works in 12 to 18 months. Conventional wires and brackets can take up to 2 years.

Dental Implants

The strongest replacement for missing teeth, dental implants can last the rest of your life as long as you practice good oral hygiene. Dental implants are as strong, if not stronger than your own teeth.

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers repair cracked, chipped, and stained teeth. However, veneers fit over the tops of the teeth where the crowns fit over the entire tooth.

If you would like more information regarding a smile makeover in Delray Beach, call and schedule a no obligation consultation with Dr. Sanchez today.


Silver Amalgam Fillings a Ticking Time Bomb?

While the American Dental Association and some dentists still see silver amalgam as a safe material for dental fillings, your Delray Beach dentist disagrees.

Dr. George Sanchez practices mercury-free and mercury-safe dentistry so that your risks are minimal when it comes to silver amalgam fillings.

Why are Silver Amalgam Fillings Dangerous?

Amalgam fillings contain mercury. Nearly 50 percent of amalgam is made up of mercury with silver, tin and nickel.


Because metals contract with heat, your fillings are contracting and expanding every time you eat something hot or cold.

Over time, your old silver amalgam fillings will not have a tight seal. This allows food particles, debris, and bacteria to move in and around the fillings. What most people don’t realize is that filled teeth can still get cavities.

On top of old decay, dental amalgam is potentially toxic because it contains mercury. Mercury has long been known to cause problems as it is classified as a toxic substance. Dentists from the mid to late 20th century had no idea that silver amalgam would have long-term physical effects.

Why is Mercury Dangerous?

While mercury thermometers are rarely used today, mercury is still used in silver amalgam fillings. One of the biggest issues with mercury is that its vapor is toxic. If those vapors are absorbed into your lungs and tissues, you could suffer from muscle aches, depression, and anxiety.

Because mercury is cumulative, it builds up in your system. The more mercury that is released when you chew the more build up you will have in your cells. So bad is mercury for humans, Denmark, Norway, and Sweden have restricted its use or banned it altogether.

Learn More About Safe Dentistry

If you would like to learn more about dental fillings that are safe for you and your family, call and schedule an appointment with your Delray Beach Dentist.

Dr. George believes in treating the whole body, not just the teeth and gums. Call for a dental consultation with Dr. George in Delray Beach today.